Book Review: A Mistletoe Kiss by Katie Flynn

"A mistletoe kiss means nothing, everyone knows that; but this did not quench the warm glow inside her."

--Katie Flynn, A Mistletoe Kiss

Katie Flynn wrote a charming historical romance book called A Mistletoe Kiss. The book does a fantastic job of capturing sacrifice, love, and friendship amid trying times.

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Hetty Gilbert is a canal child with no permanent address, so when she needs to join the library, she cannot do so. Miss Preece dislikes children, but Hetty's longing for books touches a chord and she stretches the rules to allow the girl to read on the premises.

Soon, Hetty's chief desire is to become a librarian like her friend. But with war on the horizon, their lives will never be the same. In 1939 Hetty joins in the war effort, for her knowledge of canal boats is desperately needed, whilst Miss Preece can only sit and listen to the dangers her young friend faces, knowing she herself can do nothing to help.

But her chance will come, and with it the meaning behind that fragile mistletoe kiss.

My reaction to this novel...

I am unfamiliar with Katie Flynn's work, so I do not know what to expect from reading her book for the first time. I happened to acquire one of her books when I purchased a bundle online. Although I initially did not want to read it since we do not celebrate Christmas, I felt it would be a waste not to, so I started reading it right away. But fortunately, it's not actually about Christmas; it's more about war, so I was somewhat excited while reading this book.

Regarding the author, I can say that I appreciate how she composed the story. Each scene is detailed, allowing the readers to vividly imagine every event in the story she've made. You'll also find yourself wondering what will happen next, as she skillfully add excitement for the readers. I also pondered whether this book leans more towards romance or friendship, and I was pleased with the direction the plot took.

While reading this book, I am delighted by Hetty's character because even at a young age, she is already fierce. Honestly, I am pleased because the character loves to read and aspires to be a librarian, which is rare in the characters I encounter in the romance novels I've read. In my current country of residence, the youth have a different perception of librarians, and there are also many people who are no longer fond of reading. Therefore, it pleases me when the author portrays characters who are bookish like myself.

I also got engrossed in this book, so I was expecting the story to eventually focus on the war. However, as I continue reading, it becomes boring because it takes a long time before reaching the exciting part of the story. There are many events that could have been skipped, as they only lengthen the story and confuse readers due to the numerous characters introduced. It would be better if the author didn't focus too much on adding repetitive events because it gets boring when it's the same thing over and over again.

I was happy and thrilled about the part where Hetty rode on the motorcycle and was searching for the man who gave her a ride. It was amusing because my guess about who the man was turned out to be correct, but it was also where I appreciated the author's skill in creating confusion, making you wonder who the man really was that kissed Hetty I prefer Hetty's love story over her friend Miss Preece's. The story is good, but the pace is slow, so there are times when it becomes tiring and I need to rest before continuing to read because it gets monotonous if I continue without a break. For me, I would recommend this book, especially if the reader is looking for a light story with elements of friendship. However, if the reader is looking for quick reads, this is not it.

My Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐(3/5)


Disclaimer: Booksreadbyhannel is not a business website. The opinions expressed here are unbiased and based only on my own feelings and reactions while reading the books I featured here in my blog. My reviews reflect my utmost sincerity. I paid for the books I review here out of my own pocket. Books provided by authors and publishers are otherwise specified.