Book Review: Hearts Of Fire: Eight Women in the Underground Church and Their Stories of Costly Faith by The Voice of the Martyrs

“When the children of God meet, angels also gather to hear the wisdom of God. So it is the duty of every believer, not to praise earthly men or leaders who come and go, but to praise God the Creator and Christ the Savior, who died for us in the cross.”

― The Voice of the Martyrs, Hearts of Fire: Eight Women in the Underground Church and Their Stories of Costly Faith 

The book Hearts of Fire presents the tales of eight brave women who, in spite of strong adversity, have demonstrated unwavering devotion and trust in Jesus Christ.

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Eight women from eight very different backgrounds. Yet the struggles they each faced rang with eerie similarity. These courageous women from across the globe-Pakistan, India, Romania, Former Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, Nepal, Indonesia-shared similar experiences of hardship, subjugation, and persecution, all because of their faith in Christ. Yet all of these women have emerged from adversity as leaders and heroines.

The eight modern-day pilgrims featured in "Hearts of Fire" are the hidden jewels in the church universal. They are worthy role models of faith and passion, and women of every age will gain new strength and hope for their own times of crisis and trial as they read these inspiring stories. Each story concludes with thoughtful self-reflection questions for the reader.

My reaction to this novel...

When I went to our Christian gathering someplace in Laguna, I was given this book for free. The purpose of the conference is to impart biblical knowledge and make disciples. They were also able to bring The Voice of the Martyrs to this convention, who shared the personal accounts of people who are being persecuted as Christians in many nations. I couldn't wait to read this book that they provided us as soon as I got home.

I was astounded by Ms. Gracia Burnham's delivery of the preface as I started reading it. She and her spouse were abducted and subjected to persecution in the Philippines, so I had already heard about her experience. It was an intriguing beginning for readers who could be curious about a similar string of events that, in my opinion, befall Christians on a daily basis. The foreword contains a phrase that particularly strikes a chord with me, and I can sense Ms. Gracia's genuineness, faith, and confidence in the Lord.

Thus, this book told the story of eight Christian women who were persecuted in the past and in some cases even now. Their situations are so different from mine that I am unable to draw comparisons between them because of how difficult their experiences are for other Christians to deal with. The stories were frightening and heartbreaking in my opinion, but they will also inspire and push you to spread the gospel even in the face of adversity. In the context of the book, following Christ is more about a connection with God than it is about following a certain religion. Nevertheless, in order to follow Jesus, you must also bear your own cross.

I've really gained bravery and strength from this book. This was such an encouraging book, and I'm so glad I got it. Page after page, I was inspired by each woman's experience and testimony—their bravery, courage, and general dedication to God. The moving account of the huge sacrifice these women made touched me and made me appreciate the importance of our relationship with God and our faith in Him. This serves as a poignant reminder of the price of faith and believing in Christ during a time when persecution of Christians is on the rise in the world we live in. For all Christians, this book serves as an awakening.

I sincerely hope that every Christian reads this. We shall learn to value all the freedoms we enjoy in the Philippines from this book. We who are privileged to be able to freely practice the faith we hold dear find it incomprehensible that these women must deal with such terror, hostility, and wickedness.

My Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5/5)


Disclaimer: Booksreadbyhannel is not a business website. The opinions expressed here are unbiased and based only on my own feelings and reactions while reading the books I featured here in my blog. My reviews reflect my utmost sincerity. I paid for the books I review here out of my own pocket. Books provided by authors and publishers are otherwise specified.