Book Review: The Little Lies by Valerie Keogh

"If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”

--Mark Twain

The beautiful life of a young lady falls apart in this psychological thriller from the creator of the Dublin Murder Mysteries as her history catches up with her.

A captivating example of ordinary noir, The Little Lies is set in a region of the nation that isn't frequently featured in crime fiction. Moments that feel a little too familiar, like a well-traveled road through the forest, let it down somewhat, but fans of psychological crime will gobble it up and be left begging for more.

Synopsis from Goodreads...

After working as a hospital nurse in Dubai and London, Jodie settles down in Kent. With her job at a quiet nursing home and her loving new relationship, it seems that she’s finally put her troubled past behind her. But someone from her childhood has been following her for years. And he’s decided it’s time to makes his presence felt . . .

When Jodie receives a distressing call from her manager, her life takes an unexpected turn. Suddenly she’s suspended and under investigation. Then her past comes thundering back with a strange parcel tied to her front door. As everything begins to crumble around her, she wonders who she can trust.

My reaction to this novel...

This book’s captivating cover depicts two adorable young children wearing blue shoes, so I assumed it might include a newborn. At any event, Valerie Keogh gives the readers a bad impression right on by depicting a joyful domestic setting in an unnamed cafe in the first part. Unmistakably, Jodie and Flynn are in love, and they are living together with a little kid they obviously adore. Then, when you believe that this narrative is about stalking, you will be confused as to what the story expects its readers to lead on. At that moment, the story moved on to the next sections.

In actuality, this is the first time I’ve read a Valerie Keogh book. Though I have only started reading the book, I have heard that she is well-known for writing twists, turny storylines, so perhaps it might be best to reserve judgment.

The Little Lies is a compelling example of domestic noir that is set in a region of the nation that isn’t typically featured in crime fiction. The characters are well-rounded, albeit a touch predictable, and the narrative will occasionally shock and amaze you. Although I did consider the potential that Flynn may be her kid because I had high hopes for this book, I was still taken aback when I learned it. I felt uneasy. I like to read mystery and thriller books, but this story shocked me. I have no interest in reading this kind of story. Regarding this, I feel conflicted. I wasn’t sure if I would be startled or disturbed. Despite the fact that I correctly predicted the story, I still have a positive outlook on it. I’m not sure whether I’d suggest it, but this narrative is bound to be awkward.

My Overall Rating: ⭐⭐(2/5)

Where to buy this book...


Disclaimer: Booksreadbyhannel is not a business website. The opinions expressed here are unbiased and based only on my own feelings and reactions while reading the books I featured here in my blog. My reviews reflect my utmost sincerity. I paid for the books I review here out of my own pocket. Books provided by authors and publishers are otherwise specified.