Known for her acclaimed young adult novel series, "The Summer I Turned Pretty," best-selling author Jenny Han is now the showrunner for a new Prime Video series based on those works. The blockbuster soundtrack for the TV show, which included songs by big-name artists like Cardi B, Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift, and others, was also helped develop by Han. Han said on Monday that Swift's music has, in fact, long influenced her creative process. She also stated that she has been a fan for years, and was listening to her music as she was writing the novels. Swift's music gave her the feeling she needed to write from adding that she was a lover of Swift's music.
"To All the Boys I've Loved Before" and "P.S. I Still Love You" were both written by Han.
Han described her New York Times bestseller "The Summer I Turned Pretty" as a narrative about teenhood in general. The Prime series centers on Belly, a young woman whose family rents a beach cottage every summer from the mother of Belly's best friend and her two boys, Conrad and Jeremiah. The first season follows Belly in the summer before her 16th birthday, as the lads realize she is no longer a child. A second season is currently being planned.
Han also talked on the lack of representation for Asians, claiming that publishers had previously warned her that readers wouldn't be interested in tales about Asian Americans and Asian American families. Han stated that she was allowed to have more leeway with the backgrounds of her characters after gaining the confidence of her readers. However, she was aware from the start that she wanted to do more to promote Asian presence.
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